Other important warnings, Customer responsibility, Safe working environment – Vinten Radamec HS-2010MED Pan & Tilt Head User Manual
Page 13

Safety & Introduction
User Manual
Depending on your choice of equipment, the payload in your
application may be up to 200 lb (90 kg) with the HS-
2010MED. Therefore, to avoid personal injury, or injury to
others, we recommend that each element of the payload (tele-
prompter, lens, camera etc.) be removed separately. ALWAYS follow the
handling instructions supplied by the manufacturers of the payload equip-
ment. Make sure that you have enough people involved to safely handle the
weight of your payload equipment. (Note: Any time you change the weight
or position of the payload, the head must be rebalanced as described in
Chapter 3.)
Other Important Warnings
To avoid personal injury, always exercise caution when working in the
vicinity of energized heads as they can start to move at any time without
Unless it is impossible, you should always de-energize the head (and ped-
estal if appropriate) before working on any part of the head, the camera/
lens, or any associated equipment.
Customer Responsibility
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the workplace is safe. In normal
operation, the remote controlled heads and payloads in an AutoCam system can
move suddenly and without warning. Since audible warnings are out of the
question in normal television applications, it is recommended that only trained
personnel be allowed to work in the active areas where the remote controlled
heads and payloads are located. As part of the training, personnel must be made
aware of the hazards of working in a robot environment, including the specific
hazards listed below. The forces are sufficient to cause personal injury, or injury
to others and therefore, caution is essential.
Safe Working Environment
Each of the remote control heads should be within the view of the operator of
the AutoCam system at the control panel. Before and during remote operation,
the operator must verify visually that the active area is clear. If personnel are too
close to one of the heads that is about to move, the operator can prevent the
motion from starting, or stop the motion after it has started.
If the direct line of sight is obstructed in your installation, it is recommended
that one or more viewing cameras are installed to cover the active areas and
allow the operator to view the entire work-space at all times.