3 scale motion parameters, 4 scale zero parameters – Rice Lake TradeRoute HL Series - M2000 Scale User Manual
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8 Scale Over (1d)
Enter the number of divisions for scale over. For example if your scale capacity
is 1000lbs (parameter 4) and you want the scale to indicate scale over at Scale
Capacity + 9dthen the value you would enter would be 9 followed by the
[TARE] key.
20 Scale Over Message
Scale over is displayed as “EEEEEE” on the M2000 display and in the strings. If
you require maintaining compatibility of older Western Scale equipment then
set this parameter to 1. Scale over will now be displayed with the traditional all
eights “888888”.
98 Enables scale channel (0)
This parameter enables scale channels 2 or 3. Channel 1 is always enabled and
can not be disabled. By default channels 2 and 3 are turned off. To enable a
channel enter 0 followed by the [TARE] key. To disable a channel enter 0
followed by the [TARE] key.
99 Exit calibration mode
This parameter will exit calibration mode and restart the indicator. All
calibration changes are stored to flash memory and the audit trail is updated.
8.3 Scale MOTION Parameters
5 Motion Window (2d)
Enter the value to determine the motion sensitivity. A typical value is 2 times
the graduation size. This is set automatically when the grad size changes
(Parameter 3).
24 Motion Settle Time (8)
Displays the number of ¼ second intervals for which Motion will remain
asserted after the scale reading has stabilized within the motion tolerance.
Enter a value 1-255 followed by the [TARE] key. An invalid motion value will
display error 50.
8.4 Scale ZERO Parameters
9 Power ON Zero Scale Message (0)
With this parameter set to 1 the indicator will power up displaying “Zero” on
the display. The operator must Zero the scale before continuing. This must be
set for certain legal for trade requirements. If the parameter is set to 0 the
indicator powers up displaying weight. An invalid parameter entry will display
error 28.
21 Push to Zero Window or Zero Range (2)
This command displays the percentage of scale capacity that can be zeroed by
the zero key. The allowable range is between 0 and 99%. Enter the range
followed by the [TARE] key. An invalid value will display error 5.
22 Auto Zero Tracking ON/OFF (1)