Kontron SYMKLOUD MS2900 Web User Manual
Page 21

Quick Start Guide
Configuring Processor Nodes through the ShMC
1. Switch the serial console MUX to address the ShMC, as follows:
Press CTRL g and then press 0 to switch the console to the ShMC.
2. Node management controller IP setup is done using the ShMC CLI.
By default, all commands are targeted for the active ShMC (where you are connected).
For the command to target a node, you must modify the target by using
set targetaddr
, where
is the address of the desired node.a. Select the address from the following list:
ShMC 1 = 0x20 (active)
ShMC 2 = 0x10 (standby)
Node 1 = 0x82**
Node 2 = 0x84
Node 3 = 0x86
Node 4 = 0x88
Node 5 = 0x8a
Node 6 = 0x8c
Node 7 = 0x8e
Node 8 = 0x90
Node 9 = 0x92
b. This command returns:
Set remote IPMB address to
c. As an option to ensure the correct node is used, you can print the node FRU and check the
‚Board Serial‛ field. Type fru
d. To target back to the active ShMC, use
set targetaddr 0x20
Now that your target address has been changed, to set the IP address using DHCP:
1. Type lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp
2. NOTE: To set the DHCP IP address on all nodes quickly:
For i below type in 82 84 86 88 8a 8c 8e 90 92
set targetaddr 0x$i; lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp; done
To use a static IP address:
1. Type lan set 1 ipsrc static
2. Type lan set 1 ipaddr 192.168.100.X
3. Type lan set 1 defgw ipaddr 192.168.100.X
4. Type lan set 1 netmask 255.255.255.X