FBT DLM26 User Manual

Page 61

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More About Passwords....

We remind here the main points of the Password management form the Stand alone device, so to
let e4asier to access the further information related to an added Password Level accessible ONLY

through Pc Sw.

DLM26 -Stand Alone Password Management

On the DLM26 the only available Password is the “User Password” (set as “000000” as default)
and is allowing to lock or less the parameters' editing.

When the DLM26 is in “Lock” mode, then if the “Show parameter” option is set on “be
the user can “see” the parameters' value but to modify it.

If the the option is set on “not be shown”, then the user can not see event eh parameters'
set value.

The user can set as he likes the Password, using the options of the “User Password”. Where to

access it need to first provide the currently set Password.
If not Password had been set previously, then the “000000” default Password will be the

“current” one.

If a “Super User” created presets through the Pc Sw and made them not accessible to the User
setting a “Super User” Password, then the final User will never be able to know the content

those presets if not having available the “Super-Password” (see below...).

DLM26 – Remote Control by Pc Sw Password Management

On the Remote Control Sw, several types of Passwords are available.

After “clicked” on the Key button, shown in the figure here below:

The Remote Control Sw will show the following screen:

Here depending from the provided Password, the User functions can be accessed or the Super-
User ones.

So, at the above screen, 2 Password can be provided:

Password User

Password Super User