FBT DLM26 User Manual

Page 47

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Gain page – from this screen it is possible to set the Output Channels Level from -12dB to +6dB,
press ENTER an arrow will appear on the left of the screen “->” then use the “Param.2” or

“Param.3” buttons.
The value set on this screen will only affect the input level of the selected Channel 1/2/3/4/5/6.

The following is an example screen for the “Gain” page where the Gain of the Output Channel 1 is
set to +0.0dB

RMS Cmp sub-menu [1/2] – from this page it is possible to set the Threshold and Ratio
parameters of the Output Channels RMS Compressor.

The following is an example screen for the RMS Compressor [1/2] page where the Threshold of
the RMS Compressor is set at +5dBu and the Ratio at 2:1

Once pushing ENTER the RMS Compressor's parameters can be modified using the “Param.2” and
“Param.3” encoders for editing the Threshold and the Ratio.

Once pushing ENTER the above screen will change as follows:

As said, the Threshold and Ratio can be edited using the “Param.2” and “Param.3” encoders.

Threshold”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Threshold is from +20dBu (OFF) to
-10dBu in steps of 0.2dBu

The Threshold can be adjusted by rotating the “Param.2” encoder.
Ratio”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Ratio is from 1:1 (Off) up to 32:1 (Lim) in

steps of 1 and can be adjusted by rotating the “Param.3” encoder.

Note: The RMS Compressor Threshold is defined in dBu, due to the fact that with both, Sinusoid
and Squared wave testing signals, the DLM26 compressed output dBu (RMS) Level is the same

and matching the selected one.

Out-1 Name Gain
-> Gain = + 0.0dB

Out-1 Name RMS Cmp

Thr: +5dBu Rto: 2:1

Out-1 Name RMS Cmp

->Thr: +5dBu Rto: 2:1