Elecraft K160RX User Manual
Page 5

Turn off the K2. Also set the INT BATTERY switch to OFF if applicable. Remove the top cover.
Disconnect the speaker, internal battery, or other options installed in top cover and set the cover aside.
Remove the bottom cover (6 screws).
Remove the nuts from the key jack and antenna jack. Remove the heat sink (6 screws, two nuts), being
careful to save all of the hardware.
With the K2's front panel facing you, identify the proper location of the 160-m PC board and related
hardware using the drawing below. The160-meter module will be plugged into the RF board at J14. The
receive antenna jack will be mounted on the heat sink in the final installation steps.
RF Board
160 Meter Module
RX Ant. Jack
Remove jumper W1 on the RF board, near the left end of J14. W1 should be desoldered, not clipped,
so that you can re-install it later if the 160-m module is removed.
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