7550 in-motion software – Salter Brecknell 7550 User Manual

Page 23

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This section of the Installation Manual covers the optional in-motion
software for Model 7550. This software has the following additions
made to the service menus. The complete service menus are included
at the end of this manual.

Below are descriptions of each additional



Choose this if you want the indicator to operate as normal. The inputs
used for in-motion weighing are ignored.

Yes Choose this to use the indicator for in-motion weighing. The indicator

uses the built in reset/set inputs to start and stop averaging weight
readings. An in-motion weighment is the average of all these weight
readings. Every time an in-motion weighment is calculated, the
indicator does the following:

•Updates the gross and net variables with the new weighment.

•Triggers an auto print, if enabled.

•Displays the new weighment for 7 seconds, or until the next

weighment begins (dashes), or an error occurs.

It is always possible to enter tare to any resolution, but this selection
determines how gross, tare, and net are displayed, printed, and calculated.

0.1 d* The net weight is calculated internally to 10 times the resolution,

but displayed and printed to the nearest division. Tare values are
printed and displayed at 0.1 division.

1 d

Allows no extra resolution on the tare value. The net weight is
calculated as on a standard indicator.

Capacity: 150 lb
Division: .1 lb
AZT: 3 divisions
Update: 1 Update/Second
Filter/Threshold: Filter constant = 3

The default filter settings for the in-motion operation is a filter time
constant of 3 and a threshold equal to full scale capacity.

to clear the display one digit at a tiime.


Factory Default Setting is Yes.


Default Setup



7550 In-Motion Software