Canon B550 User Manual

Page 92

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Adjusting the FAXPHONE different types of an­

swering machines___________________________ ___

Some answering machines listen for a pause and disconnect the line alter a certain

period of silence. When used with an answering machine, your FAXPHONE also

listens for a pause to determine if a fax is being received.

If vour answering machine disconnects before the FAXPHONE has a chance to sw-itch,

the caller may not be able to send a fax on the same call.

If vou experience this problem, adjust the ANS/FAX SWITCH TIME setting in the

RX SETTINGS (see pg.89). Adjust so that the required time for the FAXPHONE to

sw itch occurs prior to the time when your answering machine disconnects automati­


If your answering machine does not record at all or does not finish recording the voice

message, change the ANS/FAX switch to OFF. When the ANS/FAX SWITCH is set to

OFF. the F.AXPHONE switches to automatic receiving only for fax machines that use

CNG (calling tone). Some fax machines (especially older models) do not send a CNG

tone. In this case, you need to set the ANS/FAX SWITCH to ON. See ANS/FAX



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