Troubleshooting, Additionai information – Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

Page 74

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Additional Information


If you have any questions or problems not eovered below, please eonsult your nearest

Sony serviee faeility.



The 1/1 (on/standby)

switeh does not funetion.

• Conneet the mains lead to the mains seeurely.

The power is turned on

but the VCR does not


• Moisture eondensation has oeeurred. Turn the power off,

unplug the mains lead and leave the VCR to dry for over
three hours.

The VCR is plugged in

but the display window
remains dark.

• Set POWER SAVE in the USER SET menu to OFF (see

page 67).

The eloek has stopped
and “—:—” appears in

the display window.

• The eloek stops if the VCR is diseonneeted from the mains.

Reset the eloek (and timer).

The playbaek pieture
does not appear on the
TV sereen.

• Make sure the TV is set to the video ehannel. If you are

using a monitor, set it to video input.

• If the VCR is eonneeted to the TV with the Seart eable,

make sure the VIDEO indieator is lit in the display
window. Use the t TV/VIDEO button on the remote

eommander to light up the VIDEO indieator.

The pieture is not elear.

• Existing broadeasts may interfere with the VCR. Reset the

RF ehannel output of your VCR (see page 22).

• Adiust the traeking with the PROGRAM +/- buttons on the


• The video heads are dirty (see the last page of

Troubleshooting). Clean the video heads using the Sony T-
25CLD, E-25CLDR, or T-25CLW video head eleaning
eassette. If these eleaning eassettes are not available in

your area, have the heads eleaned at your nearest Sony

serviee faeility (a standard serviee eharge will be required).

Do not use a eommereially available liquid type eleaning
eassette other than Sony’s, as it may damage the video


• The video heads may have to be replaeed. Consult your

loeal Sony serviee faeility for more information.

The pieture rolls

vertieally during pieture


• Adjust the vertieal hold eontrol on the TV or monitor.

The pieture has no


• The tape is defeetive.
• If you made A^V eonneetions, eheek the audio eable


74 Troubleshooting