E tv indicator (43) – Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

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Recording what you are watching on the TV (TV Direct
Rec) (not avaiiabie on SLV-SE620D/E and SE220D)

If you use the SMARTLINK eonneetion, you ean easily reeord what you are

watehing on the TV (other than tapes being played on the VCR).

^ Press 1/1 to turn on the VCR.

2 Insert a tape with its safety tab in plaee.

2 Press REC while you are watehing a TV programme or external


The TV indieator lights up and the VCR starts reeording what you are

watehing on the TV.





• The TV indicator appears in the display window after you press • REC in some

situations sueh as:

-when you are watehing a souree eonneeted to the TV’s line input, or
-when the TV tuner preset data for the programme position is different from the

data in the VCR tuner preset.


• You eannot reeord what you are watehing using this method when the VCR is in

the following modes; pause, timer standby, tuner preset, Auto Set Up, and

• When the TV indieator is lit in the display window, do not turn off the TV nor

ehange the TV programme position. When the TV indieator is not lit, the VCR
eontinues reeording the programme even if you ehange the TV programme

position on the TV.

• To use the TV Direet Ree funetion, seleet SMARTLINK in the INSTALLATION

menu, then set TV DIRECT RECORD to ON.







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