Setting the pay-tv/canal plus decoder, Not available on slv-se620d), Connecting a decoder – Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

Page 35: Setting pay-tv/canal plus channels, Setting thepay-tv/canalplus

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Setting the PAY-TV/Canal Plus decoder

(not available on SLV-SE620D)

You can watch or record PAY-TV/Canal Plus programmes if you connect a decoder

(not supplied) to the VCR.

Connecting a decoder

Scart cable

Plus decoder

Setting PAY-TV/Canal Plus channels

To watch or record PAY-TV/Canal Plus programmes, set your VCR to receive the
channels using the on-screen display.

In order to set the channels correctly, be sure to follow all of the steps below.

Before you starts

• Turn on the VCR, the TV, and the decoder.
• Set the TV to the video channel.
Refer to “Index to parts and controls” for button locations.


Setting the PAY-TV/Canal Plus decoder (not available on SLV-SE620D) 35