Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

Page 51

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background image

Press 1/1 to turn off the VCR.

The© indieator appears in the display window and the VCR stands

by for reeording.

To reeord from a deeoder or other souree, leave the eonneeted

equipment switehed on.

To stop recording

To stop the VCR while reeording, press ■ (stop).

Daily/weekly recording

In step 4 above, press m to seleet the reeording pattern. Eaeh time you press

m, the indieation ehanges as shown below. Press M to ehange the indieation

in reverse order.

today t DLY (Monday to Sunday) t W-SA (every Saturday).................................t

W-SU (every Sunday)


1 month later t (dates count down) t today

Timer recording with VPS/PDC signals

Some broadeast systems transmit VPS (Video Programme System) or PDC

(Programme Delivery Control) signals with their TV programmes. These
signals ensure that your timer reeordings are made regardless of broadeast

delays, early starts, or broadeast interruptions.

To use the VPS/PDC funetion, set V/P to ON in step 4 above. You ean also

use the VPS/PDC funetion for a souree eonneeted to one or more of the

LINE inputs.

To use the VCR after setting the timer

To use the VCR before a reeording begins, just press I/1. The© indieator

turns off and the VCR switehes on. Remember to press I/1 to reset the VCR
to reeording standby after using the VCR.

You ean also do the following tasks while the VCR is reeording:

• Reset the eounter (page 38).

• Display tape information on the TV sereen (page 41).

• Cheek the timer settings (page 59).

Wateh another TV programme (page 41).











Recording TV programmes using the ShowView® system (not avaiiabie on SLV-SE620D/E) 51