Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

Page 54

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Set the date, start and stop times,

programme position, tape speed and
VPS/PDC funetion*':

■ to seleet eaeh item in




1 Press '


2 Press M/m to set eaeh item.
To eorreet a setting, press < to

return to that setting and reset.

• To reeord the same programme

every day or the same day every week, see “Daily/weekly

reeording” on page 54.

• To use the VPS/PDC funetion*', set V/P to ON. For details about

the VPS/PDC funetion, see “Timer reeording with VPS/PDC

signals” on page 51.

• To reeord from a deeoder or other souree eonneeted to one or

more of the LINE inputs, press INPUT SELECT to display the

eonneeted line in the “PR” position.

Press MENU to exit the menu.

Press 1/1 to turn off the VCR.

The© indieator appears in the display window and the VCR stands

by for reeording.

To reeord from a deeoder or other souree, leave the eonneeted

equipment switehed on.

To stop recording

To stop the VCR while reeording, press ■ (stop).

Daily/weekly recording

In step 2 above, press m to seleet the reeording pattern. Eaeh time you press

m, the indieation ehanges as shown below. Press M to ehange the indieation

in reverse order.

today t DLY (Monday to Sunday) t W-SA (every Saturday)................................ t

W-SU (every Sunday)


1 month later t (dates count down) t today

54 Recording TV programmes using the timer