Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

Page 47

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To set the clock

^ Hold d o w n © DIAL TIMER so that “DAY” appears in the display

window. However, if the eloek has already been set, the eurrent setting


2 T u r n © DIAL TIMER to set the day.

2 P r e s s © DIAL TIMER.

“MONTH” appears in the display window.

^ Turn and p r e s s © DIAL TIMER to set the month, and then the year.

After you set the year, “CLOCK” appears in the display window again.

^ Turn and p r e s s © DIAL TIMER to set the hour and minute.

0 When you have finished setting the time, p r e s s © DIAL TIMER to start

the eloek.


• To eaneel a Dial Timer setting, press X (stop) on the VCR while you are making

the setting.

• The programme is reeorded in the eurrent tape speed mode. To ehange the tape

speed, press SP/LP before you eomplete the setting in step 9.

• To eheek, ehange, or eaneel the programme setting, see “Cheeking/ehanging/

eaneelling timer settings” on page 59.


• If eight programmes have already been set using the ShowView system or the

TIMER PROGRAMMING menu, “FULL” appears in the display window for
about five seeonds.

• T h e © indieator flashes in the display window when you eomplete the setting in

step 9 with no tape inserted.

• If you set the eloek using the Auto Cloek Set funetion and AUTO CLOCK is set to

ON, the eloek will adjust itself to the ineoming time signal regardless of
adjustments made with the Dial Timer. Be sure you have set the Auto Cloek Set

• When the time is set ineorreetly, “ERROR” appears in the display window in step

9. Set the timer again fTom step 1.

• You eannot set the tape speed to AUTO using the Dial Timer. To seleet AUTO, set

the tape speed in the TIMER PROGRAMMING menu (see page 59).









Recording TV programmes using the Diai Timer (SLV-SE820D/E oniy) 47