Index to parts and controls, Getting started – Sony SLV-SE220D User Manual

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Getting Started

Index to parts and controls

Refer to the pages indieated in parentheses ( ) for details.

Front panel

For SLV-SE820D/E


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lO oil

A 1/1 (on/standby) switeh

B Remote sensor (12)

C Tape eompartment

D A (ejeet) button (38)

E Shuttle ring (56)

F (play) button* (38) (56)

G JOG button (56)

H X (stop) button* (22) (38) (72) (73)

IREC 9 (reeord) button (41) (58)


J X (pause) button (38) (48) (72) (73)

K (fast-forward) button (38) (56)

H 0131 in 111]

L (rewind) button (38) (56)

^ © DIAL TIMER (44)

N PROGRAM +/- buttons* (45) (57)


0 AUDIO DUB button (73)

P t LINE-2 L (left) O R (right)

jaeks (eovered)* (70) (71) (73)

How to open the jack cover


Press the bottom of the eover.


Hook your finger on the top edge of the

eover and pull it open.

* The (play), 9 (stop) and

PROGRAM + buttons andjaek eover

have a tactile dot.

4 Indextopartsandcontrols