Jumper settings, Software installation and configuration – Dell OptiPlex GX150 User Manual

Page 34

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number. If you prefer, you can type numbers in the month, day-of-month, and year fields.


CPU Serial Number determines whether the microprocessor serial number (if any) is provided to programs that request it. When Enabled
is selected, the system provides the microprocessor serial number to programs that request it. When Disabled is selected, the system never
provides the microprocessor serial number.


System Time resets the time on the computer's internal clock.

Time is kept in a 24-hour format (hours:minutes:seconds). To change the time, press the left- or right-arrow key to select a field, and
then press plus (+) or minus (

–) to increase or decrease the number. If you prefer, you can type numbers in each of the fields.


ZIP Floppy Support enables or disables the support of Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface (ATAPI) Zip devices by the
system BIOS. When Enabled is selected, ATAPI Zip devices are supported as diskette drives, and the first Zip device is listed as a
bootable device under Boot Sequence. When Disabled is selected, the system BIOS ignores ATAPI Zip devices, although the operating
system may still support them.

Jumper Settings

The following figure shows the jumper on the system board.

System Board Jumper

NOTICE: Make sure that your system is turned off and unplugged before you change the jumper setting. Otherwise, damage to your
system or unpredictable results may occur.

To change the jumper setting to disabled, pull the plug off its pins. To reenable the setting, carefully fit the plug onto the pins indicated.

System-Board Jumper Settings

Software Installation and Configuration

When you obtain software, check it for viruses with virus-scanning software before installing it on your computer's hard drive. Viruses, which are
pieces of code that can replicate themselves, can quickly use all available system memory, damage or destroy data stored on the hard drive, and
permanently affect the performance of the programs they infect. Several commercial virus-scanning programs are available for purchase, and most
bulletin board services (BBSs) archive freely distributed virus-scanning programs that you can download with a modem.

Before you install a program, read its documentation to learn how the program works, what hardware it requires, and what its defaults are. A
program usually includes installation instructions in its accompanying documentation and a software installation routine on its program diskette(s)
or CD(s).

The software installation routine assists you in transferring the appropriate program files to your computer's hard drive. Installation instructions may
provide details about how to configure your operating system to successfully run the program. Always read the installation instructions before
running a program's installation routine. You may be instructed to modify some operating system start-up files, such as config.sys and
autoexec.bat, or the installation routine may modify start-up files automatically.

When you run the installation routine, be prepared to respond to prompts for information about how your computer's operating system is
configured, what type of computer you have, and what peripherals are connected to your computer.

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System password features are enabled.

System password features are disabled.

