Connunitlinktable, Connuniteventdescr – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

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Fabric OS MIB Reference






The description of the event.

Same as the string displayed in the system error log. The system error log can be viewed using the
errShow or errDump commands.

For Fabric OS v6.2.0 and later releases, the format of error messages has changed. This field now
uses the message title and number (for example, WEBD-1006) and the message text. Previously,
this field used the task ID and all the message number and message text. For more information on
error messages, refer to Fabric OS Message Reference.


A list of links known to this agent from this connectivity unit to other connectivity units- X is switch
data and Y is other end.

The link table is intended to organize and communicate any information the agent has that might
assist a management application to discover the connectivity units in the framework and the
topology of their interconnect- the goal is to assist the management application by mapping the
elements of the framework in addition to listing them.

With this goal, the agent should include as much as it possesses about any links from its own
connectivity units to others, including links among its own units.

An agent should include partial information about links if it is not able to fully define them in accord
with the following structure; however, the information must include either a nonzero
connUnitNodeId—or a nonzero connUnitPortWwn—for each end of the link.

If the agent is able to discover links that do not directly attach to members of its agency and its
discovery algorithm gives some assurance that the links are recently valid, it might include these

Link information entered by administrative action might be included even if not validated directly if
the link has at least one endpoint in this agency, but it should not be included otherwise.

A connectivity unit should fill the table in as best it can. One of the methods to fill this in would be to
use the RNID ELS command (ANSI document 99-422v0). This command queries a port for the
information needed for the link table.

This table is accessed either directly, if the management software has an index value, or using
getNext. The values of the indexes are not required to be contiguous. Each entry created in this
table is assigned an index. This relationship is kept persistent until the entry is removed from the
table or the system is reset. The total number of entries is defined by the size of the table.

For an entry to be considered valid, both the X (local) and the Y (remote) values need to have one
valid value.