Cooper Lighting S280-79-10 User Manual
Page 48

Test Ground Minimum Trip Values
1. Change the Form 5 control from an Alternate Profile to
the Normal Profile (all three Profile LEDs are off). Dis-
able Ground Trip Block (LED off).
2. Set KMET switch S4 to 100 milliampere range.
3. Set KMET Variac TR1 to zero.
4. Set KMET switch S2 to test fault position.
5. Verify the Form 5 phase minimum trip values are
higher than the ground trip values.
6. Set KMET Phase Selector S5 to A.
7. Press the TRIP button on the display panel.
8. Press the CLOSE button on the display panel.
9. Slowly raise TR1 until Above Minimum Trip shows on
Form 5 control. Control should trip out for load cur-
rents above 50 milliamperes. Record values.
10. Repeat steps 4 – 9 for the Form 5 Alternate Profiles 1,
2, and 3. The control is programmed to trip out at 100
milliamperes on the Alternate 1, 2, and 3 Profiles.
If Cold Load Pickup is activated (LED off), the control will
trip on a time delayed TCC with two trips to lockout for
30 seconds after closing in the control, per the default
Cold Load Pickup control settings.
Test Phase Timing
1. Set the Form 5 control to Normal profile (all Alternate
Profile LEDs off).
2. Activate GROUND TRIP BLOCK (LED on). Ground
Trip is blocked.
3. Set KMET Phase Selector S5 to phase A.
4. Set KMET switch S4 to 300 milliampere range.
5. Press the Form 5 trip switch once to lock out the Form
5 control.
6. Set KMET phase selector S3 to Control Response.
7. While holding the KMET Test Fault Current Switch S2
in the Calibrate position, adjust the fault current to 200
percent fault (100 X 2 or 200 milliamperes).
On newer controls, applying fault current while the
control is locked out will set the Recloser Malfunction
LED. This will not affect testing. To clear, press the
Reset Targets button after all tests are complete.
8. Press the TRIP button on the display panel.
9. Press the CLOSE button on the display panel.
10. Set KMET Fault Switch S2 to test fault current posi-
tion. Record timing readings from the KMET time
clock for all trips on the A 2X___ test sheet location.
11. Set KMET Test Set switch S4 to the 1A position.
12. Set KMET Phase Selector S5 to phase B.
13. Calibrate KMET fault current to 500 percent (100 X 5
or 500 milliamperes) using the KMET 1A range.
14. Press the TRIP button on the display panel.
15. Press the CLOSE button on the display panel.
16. Set KMET test set Fault Current Switch S2 to test fault
current position. Record timings from the KMET test
set for all trips on the B 5X ___ locations on the test
17. Set KMET Phase Selector S5 to phase C.
18. Calibrate KMET Phase Selector S5 to 1000% of fault
(1000 milliamperes).
19. Press the TRIP button on the display panel.
20. Press the CLOSE button on the display panel.
21. Set KMET test set Fault Current Switch S2 to test fault
current position. Record timings from the KMET test
set for all trips on the C 10X ___ locations on the test
22. Repeat steps 2 – 21 for Alternate Profiles 1, 2, and 3.
Note that the Phase minimum trip for the Alternate
Profiles is 200 amps. The 200% fault will then be 400
milliamperes or .4 amp, the 500% fault will then be
1000 milliamperes or 1 amp, and the 1000% fault will
then be 2000 milliamperes or 2 amps.
Test Ground Timing
1. Verify control is programmed for all default settings.
2. Disable GROUND TRIP BLOCK (LED off). Ground
Trip is active.
3. Activate the Normal Profile (Alternate Profile LEDs
When testing the ground trip timing circuit, the KMET
test set applies a phase to ground fault to the Form 5
control. If the applied fault current exceeds the phase
minimum trip value, the control may time out on the
phase time current curve, which may be shorter than the
proper ground time current curve. For this reason, the
Form 5 phase minimum trip value should be increased
to a higher value while testing Form 5 ground trip time
current curves.
4. Increase the Form 5 phase minimum trip value to
1600 amperes.
5. Set KMET Test Set switch S4 to the 300 milliampere
6. While holding the Fault Current Switch S2 in the Cali-
brate position, adjust the fault current to 200 percent
fault (50 X 2 or 60 milliamperes).
7. Press the TRIP button on the display panel.
8. Press the CLOSE button on the display panel.
9. Set KMET test set Fault Current switch S2 in the test
fault current position. Record timings from the KMET
test set for all trips on the G 2X ___ locations on the
test sheet.
10. Calibrate KMET fault current to 500 percent, (50 X 5
or 250 milliamperes).
11. Press the TRIP button on the display panel.
12. Press the CLOSE button on the display panel.
Kyle Form 5, Form 5 UDP, Form 5 DC NOVA Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions