Negative controls, Assigning negative control type to antibodies – Dako Autostainer Plus User Manual
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Dako Autostainer Plus
User Guide
3. To insert a matching positive control, click on the POS.CTL button. One slide will be
added to the PROGRAMMING GRID with matching reagents to the last programmed
slide. In the slide number column, PC will be displayed signifying that this is a positive
control reagent.
Negative Controls
Two options are available for Negative Controls:
• Individually matched Negative Controls where unique negative controls for each primary
antibody are used.
• Universal Negative Controls where a generic negative control for all antibodies of a certain
species is used. The Dako Autostainer Plus uses two different types of negative control, N
series (mouse and rabbit) and NP series (mouse and rabbit). Choosing the NEGATIVE
CONTROL button automatically assigns the appropriate universal negative control. For
example UNC for N- series antibodies or UNC+ for NP-.
NOTE: The NP series is used with higher sensitivity kits (i.e.,: EnVision+, LSAB+).
Dako Universal Negative Controls (UNC) are available for ready-to-use antibodies. If the Universal
Negative Control option is chosen, all matching negative controls designated as “_NC” (i.e., :
NCVimentin) on the primary antibody list must be deleted from the reagent list.
NOTE: If you require assistance with deleting the matched negative controls, please contact your
Dako representative.
Assigning Negative Control Type to Antibodies
1. From the PROGRAMMING GRID select Edit Lists from the menu bar. The reagent lists
categories are displayed.
2. Select the Primary Antibody category. The Primary Antibody EDIT REAGENT LIST
SCREEN is displayed.
3. Select a previously defined antibody from the list or add a new antibody to the list (see
Adding Primary Antibodies in the Reagent Management section).