Dako Autostainer Plus User Manual

Page 38

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Dako Autostainer Plus


User Guide

NOTE: The Delayed Start Water Rinse options cannot be selected while the No Pre-
Rinse option is selected.

Add Rinse to Protocol Steps: When creating a new protocol template, a buffer rinse can
be added automatically, following each step. Select the Add Rinse to Protocol Steps
option to automatically add buffer rinses. If this option is not checked, the rinse step must
be manually selected.

No Pre-Rinse: When creating a new protocol template, the default pre-rinse step may be
removed. Select the No Pre-rinse option to remove the default pre-rinse. If this option is
not checked, then in the Protocol Template there will be a default buffer rinse step.

NOTE: The No Pre-Rinse option cannot be selected while the Delayed Start Water Rinse
option is selected.

Flex-time Blow: When a blow is needed instead of a rinse, this option enables the
Autostainer Plus to carry out the blow when it has time instead of interrupting other

Show only Programmed Slides: To display only the programmed slides on the Slide
Layout Maps, select the Show only Programmed Slides option. If this option is not
checked, the Slide Layout Maps shows all slide positions, displaying programmed and
unprogrammed slides.

Disable Bar Code: If you do not wish to use the Bar Code feature on Autostainer Plus,
check this option.

2. Select the OK button to save. The INITIALIZE screen is displayed.

Select the CANCEL button to escape without saving. The INITIALIZE screen is displayed
and the changes are not saved.

3. Select the OK button to save. The MAIN MENU screen is displayed.

Select the CANCEL button to escape without saving. The MAIN MENU screen is