Dako Autostainer Plus User Manual

Page 12

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Dako Autostainer Plus


User Guide

Slide Rack

is a slide carrier holding 12 microscope slides in a horizontal
position. The instrument holds a maximum of 4 racks. These
racks are removable and interchangeable for slide loading and

Glass Slide

is a standard microscope slide to which specimen(s) is mounted
for processing on the instrument. Slide dimensions are 25 mm x
75 mm x 1 mm.

Reagent Racks
1 and 2

hold the reagent vials. There are 2 reagent racks: reagent rack
1 (white) sits in the front right side of the sink; reagent rack 2
(blue) sits behind reagent rack 1. The racks are identical in
shape and size. Each rack holds up to 32 reagent vials and is
marked with letters A-D and numbers 1-8 to designate each
reagent vial position. The computer always assigns reagents to
the front whit rack first. If additional reagents are required for a
procedure or for running the cleaning protocol the computer will
assign reagents to the blue rack.

Reagent Probe Wash

is a white, plastic assembly located in the rear right corner of
the instrument and is used as a cleaning station for the
Teflon™-coated reagent probe. The probe is washed in the
wash station at the beginning of every run, prior to checking
reagent volumes, and application of each reagent.


is the Teflon-coated tray that sits underneath the slide racks and
channels the buffer/DI water washes and reagents into the
waste reservoir.

Y Axis Mechanism

is the robotic arm extending from the back of the instrument
towards the front carrying with it the Z head assembly. The Y
arm moves from right to left across the instrument. When the
Autostainer Plus is not in operation the Y arm rests on the left
side of the machine, When the instrument is in operation and
slides are incubating, the arm is located on the right side.

X Axis Mechanism

enables the Y arm to move from left to right across the
instrument. The X axis is stationary across the back of the

Z Head Assembly

is the dome-shaped assembly that sits over the Y arm. The Z
head consists of three components: the probe tip; the wash
head and the blow head. These components move up and
down along the Z axis while the instrument is in operation. The
Z head moves back and forth along the Y axis mechanism,
allowing access to all slides and reagents.