Yealink VP530 User Manual
Page 76

User Guide for the VP530 IP Video Phone
To enable call forward:
1. Tap ->Call Feature->Call Forward.
2. Tap the desired forwarding type.
3. Depending on your selection:
a.) If you tap Always Forward:
1) Tap in the Always Forward field.
2) Enter the destination number you want to forward all incoming calls to in
the Target field.
3) (Optional.) Enter the always forward on code or always off code
respectively in the On Code or Off Code field.
b.) If you tap Busy Forward:
1) Tap in the Busy Forward field.
2) Enter the destination number you want to forward all incoming calls to
when the phone is busy in the Target field.
3) (Optional.) Enter the busy forward on code or busy off code respectively in
the On Code or Off Code field.
c.) If you selected No Answer Forward:
1) Tap in the No Answer Forward field.