0 serial outputs – Cooper Instruments & Systems DFI 250X Digital Weight Indicator User Manual
Page 29
CF 147
version 1.1
8.3.2 CLR.LIN (Clear linearization)
• Press the
number (1 to 5), and ppp is the approximate percentage of full scale where the linearization is applied. For
example, L1.050 designates that linearization point one is active and was entered at about 50% of full scale.
Unused linearization points are shown with a row of dashes (e.g. L2. - - -).
• Press
Cont. Y has been chosen the cleared linearization point then displays (e.g. L1. - - -).
• Press
Note: All linearization points are cleared by restoring the default calibration of the instrument. The zero and span
settings are also cleared by this process.
The instrument can support the optional temporary GSE-LINK connection. In addition, there is a single bidirectional
RS-232 output. This provides a number of serial output options allowing communications with external devices
such as printers, computers, PLCs or remote displays. Refer to GSE-LINK Activation section 3.10. For wiring
connections and pinouts, refer to Auxiliary Connection section 3.9.
The serial available functions include:
Automatic Weight Output (two formats available)
Network Communications
Master / Slave
All serial output options are enabled and configured using the serial communications options in the digital setup
procedure. Refer to SERIAL (Serial Communications Options) section 7.4.5.
The instrument computer communications can range from simple automatic streamed output, through to a
command-response system. In addition to the GSE-LINK, the instrument can be programmed and calibrated via the
RS-232 serial port. The calibration counter is incremented when the calibration related steps are accessed via RS-
232, the serial port or the GSE-LINK. This means that calibration via the serial port or GSE-LINK cannot be carried
out without affecting the certification of a trade installation.
9.1 Automatic Weight Output
The automatic output is normally used to drive remote displays, a dedicated computer, or PLC communications.
Auto Weight Format String
The weight format string may be set to the following formats:
Format Description
STX: Start of transmission character (ASCII 02).
ETX: End of transmission character (ASCII 03).
SIGN: The sign of the weight reading (space for positive, dash (-) for negative).
WEIGHT(7): A seven character string containing the current weight including the decimal point. If there is no
decimal point, then the first character is a space. Leading zero blanking applies.
STATUS: Provides information on the weight reading. The characters G/N/U/O/M/E represent Gross / Net /
Underload / Overload / Motion / Error, respectively.
UNITS(3): A three character string, the first character being a space, followed by the actual units (e.g. ^kg or
^^t). If the weight reading is not stable, the unit string is sent as ^^^.
S1: Displays G/N/U/O/E representing Gross / Net / Underload / Overload / Error, respectively.