Troubleshooting – Bio-Rad TC20™ Automated Cell Counter User Manual
Page 32

Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Error Message
Possible Cause and Solution
Invalid result data
Data were improperly stored and cannot be retrieved.
Invalid dilution
The value entered for the desired cell concentration is higher than
the starting cell concentration. Ensure that the value of the desired
cell concentration is not higher than the starting cell concentration.
Incorrect slide, remove slide.
The counting slide is used instead of the verification
Insert verification slide,
slide during system validation. Insert side A of the verification
side A first, press Enter
slide, and press Enter.
File write error
1. Check USB flash drive. If it is close to full, then empty it.
Press Home key to continue
2. If “File write error” is displayed after step 1, then reformat
No disk found
flash drive in FAT32 format.
Disk is full
3. If “File write error” is displayed after step 1 and step 2,
then use different flash drive.
No firmware update file present, The USB flash drive does not contain the updated firmware file
press Home key to exit
or the file is saved outside of root directory of UBS flash drive.
Insert a USB flash drive that contains the updated firmware file
in the root directory.
Please repeat the test with
Failure of system test. Repeat the verification without the verification
a clean slide
slide. If the problem persists, contact Bio-Rad Technical Support
team (see Bio-Rad Laboratories Resources for details).
Slide removed during focusing. The slide is removed during counting. If the slide is removed during
Reinsert slide to continue or
focusing, counting is interrupted. Once the slide is reinserted,
press Home to exit
the count starts automatically.
Connect the printer
The thermal label printer is not connected to the instrument.
Connect the printer to the instrument via the USB port A or B.
No labels in the printer
There are no labels in the thermal label printer. Insert labels into
the printer.
Current count value out
The number of cells is above or below specification.
of range
View the cell image and dilute or concentrate your sample.
Repeat the count.
Exposure time too high
Slide is too dark; remove it and use a clean counting slide.
Printer error
Bad statuts code returned for the printer. Check USB cable
connecting to the printer. Turn the printer off, then turn it back on.
Filename invalid
Bad sample name entered. Re-enter a valid sample name.
Store results failed
Previous count data storage failed. FLASH memory currupted.
Export any good previous counts, then delete all counts
(reformat FLASH).
Hardware errors (stepper motor
Restart the instrument; if the error is displayed again, contact
error, bright field LED/CMOS not Bio-Rad technical support team (see Bio-Rad Laboratories
working, SPI communication not Resources for details).
working, vinculum communication
error, CPLD, FPGA)