Assembly – Viking Pump TSM420: HL-LL 4925 User Manual

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1. Installing a new seal: The seal is simple to install and

good performance will result if care is taken in installation,

see figure 11, page 9 for parts identification
Seals made by different manufacturers are used in these

pumps and are used interchangeably though they may

look different and have a different spring
After all parts have been examined and cleaned or

replaced as necessary the first step in reassembling the

pump is installation of the inner seal seat
Good performance will result if care is taken during

NOTE: Never touch the sealing faces with anything

except the fingers, cardboard or clean soft cloth

5. After replacing the casing on the bracket, place the rotor

and shaft into the casing
NOTE: If the casing is removed from the bracket, be

sure the bracket O-ring is in place before placing casing

on bracket

6. Place the O-ring or head gasket on the head
7. Start the head assembly with idler and bushing in place,

into the pump, push in as far as it will go, then replace

the capscrews and tighten

8. Place the tapered installation sleeve (furnished with

replacement seals K-LL size) on the shaft as shown in

figure 14.

9. Clean and oil the I D of the inner rotary member, place

on shaft and slide over the tapered installation sleeve

into position against the inner seal seat Push against

the rubber tail section of the bellows with a sleeve or

smooth piece of pipe having an inside diameter no more

than ¹

⁄₃₂ inch larger than the shaft diameter and a wall

thickness of at least ¹

⁄₈ inch Be sure to install correct

end against seal seat,

see figure 11, page 9. Be sure

carbon face does not fall out of the rotary member

10. Slide the spring along the shaft and make sure it seats

properly over the inner rotary member It may be helpful

to stand pump on end to facilitate centring the spring

11. Coat the outer seal seat and O-ring gasket with light

Refrigeration Oil Spread a thin film of grease on the seal

cap Place the outer seal seat in position on the seal cap

Make sure the pin in the seal seat engages the hole in

the seal cap The film of grease will hold these two parts

together, set them aside temporarily

12. Coat the inside diameter of the outer rotary member with

light Refrigeration Oil Place it over the shaft and slide it

far enough to engage the spring Be sure to install the

correct end towards the spring,

see figure 11, page 9.

13. Quickly install the outer seal seat and cap prepared

in step 11 over the shaft and press down against the

outer rotary member until the seal cap hits the end of the

bracket This compresses the spring and positions the

outer rotary member Do not release the seal cap

2. Clean the bracket seal housing bore, making sure it is

free of dirt and grit

3. Coat the outside of the inner seal seat and O-ring gasket

and also the inside diameter of the real housing bore

with light Refrigeration Oil (not grease),

see figure 12.

Press the inner seal seat with O-ring gasket into place

in the seal housing bore with your fingers or by putting a

piece of card board over the face of the face of the seal

seat and press with a block of wood or squared off piece

of pipe Remove the cardboard

figure 13 shows how

the inner seal seat pin fits into either of the slots in the

end of the bracket bushings Be sure the pin engages

one of these slots in the bushing when you have finished

pushing the seal seat into the seal housing bore Check

by looking through the bracket bushing from the casing



fIgURE 12

fIgURE 13

fIgURE 14

4. Clean and coat the pump shaft with light Refrigeration

Oil Check to be sure no scratches have been cot into the

shaft in the seal area