Tweco Troubleshooting Power Supply User Manual
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and crimp a small piece of steel wire, 0.020 to 0.025” dia. (0.5-0.6 mm) works best, into
where wire would normally be crimped. A paper clip is a little too big.
Insulate all but the end of wire and slide these onto your meter probe.
If your meter has alligator clip adaptors you could hold the wire in these as well, be
sure they don’t short together.
Ribbon cable: There are 3 ribbon cables, 16 ckt., 26 ckt. and 34 ckt. For earlier units to
measure ribbon cable signals requires test adaptors. For later units we smartened up and
included an extra receptacle on the ribbon cable for taking measurements. For the16 ckt.
ribbon the extra receptacle is just above the top inverter, for the other two it is next to the
ends that connect to the CCM. The home made probes above work will for this.
For earlier units test adapters can be used or buy new style ribbon cables.
I have used these adaptors which are available from Digi-key.
Digi-Key Part Number 922576-26-ND
Manufacturer Part Number 922576-26-I
Price Break
Unit Price
Digi-Key Part Number 922576-34-ND
Manufacturer Part Number 922576-34-I
Price Break
Unit Price
They do not have one for 16 ckt. But the 20 ckt one can be cut down. Or you can buy a
40 ckt and make two 16’s out of it making each 16 ckt adaptor a little cheaper.