06 cut quality – Tweco 1000 Merlin(Sept1999) User Manual

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Manual 0-2731

d. Turn the knob clockwise to increase or counter-

clockwise to decrease gas pressure.

e. Push the knob back in to lock the pressure setting.

f. Slowly close the valve on the top of the Plasma Gas

flowmeter until the desired flow rate is achieved.

3. To set the Secondary Gas pressure do the following:

a. Set the Secondary Mode Selector switch to Sec Pres-

sure position.

b. Pull out the knob on the Secondary Gas regulator.

c. Turn the knob clockwise to increase or counterclock-

wise to decrease gas pressure.

d. Push the knob back in to lock the pressure setting.

4. To set the Lo-Flow Gas flow rate do the following:

a. Set the Secondary Mode selector switch to Lo-Flow

Gas position.

b. Fully open the valve on the top of the Lo-Flow Gas


c. Pull out the knob on the Secondary Gas regulator.

d. Turn the knob clockwise to increase or counter-

clockwise to decrease gas pressure.

e. Push the knob back in to lock the pressure setting.

f. Slowly close the valve on the top of the Lo-Flow

flowmeter until the desired flow rate is achieved.

5. To set the Water (H


O) Mist flow rate do the following:

a. Set the Secondary Mode selector switch to H


O Mist


b. Slowly open the valve on the top of the H


O Mist

flowmeter until the desired flow rate is achieved.

6. Place the RUN/SET switch to the RUN position.


For recommended gas pressures and flows for vari-
ous cutting operations refer to the Instruction
Manual, 0-2710, supplied with the Maximizer 300

L. Ready for Operation

Return the RUN/SET switch to RUN position. The
system is now ready for operation.


Refer to Appendix II for a detailed block diagram
of the Sequence of Operation.

4.06 Cut Quality

Cut quality requirements differ depending on applica-
tion. For instance, nitride build-up and bevel angle may
be major factors when the surface will be welded after
cutting. Dross-free cutting is important when finish cut
quality is desired to avoid a secondary cleaning opera-

The following cut quality characteristics are illustrated
in Figure 4-7:

Cut Surface

The condition (smooth or rough) of the face of the cut.

Bevel Angle

The angle between the surface of the cut edge and a
plane perpendicular to the surface of the plate. A per-
fectly perpendicular cut would result in a 0° bevel

Top-Edge Rounding

Rounding on the top edge of a cut due to wearing
from the initial contact of the plasma arc on the work-

Dross Build-up and Top Spatter

Dross is molten material which is not blown out of
the cut area and re-solidifies on the plate. Top spatter
is dross which accumulates on the top surface of the
workpiece. Excessive dross may require secondary
clean-up operations after cutting.

Kerf Width

The width of material removed during the cut.

Nitride Build-up

Nitride deposits which may remain on the cut edge
of the carbon steel when nitrogen is present in the
plasma gas stream. Nitride buildups may create dif-
ficulties if the steel is welded after the cutting pro-