Cutmaster a40, a60 – Tweco A40-A60 CutMaster User Manual
Page 41

Manual 0-5120
Trigger Release
6. Bring the torch within transfer distance to the
work. The main arc will transfer to the work,
and the pilot arc will shut off.
The gas preflow and postflow are a character-
istic of the power supply and not a function of
the torch.
When the shield cup is properly installed, there
is a slight gap between the shield cup and the
torch handle. Gas vents through this gap as part
of normal operation. Do not attempt to force the
shield cup to close this gap. Forcing the shield
cup against the torch head or torch handle can
damage components.
7. Clean spatter and scale from the shield cup and
the tip as soon as possible. Spraying the shield
cup in anti - spatter compound will minimize
the amount of scale which adheres to it.
Cutting speed depends on material, thickness, and the
operator’s ability to accurately follow the desired cut
line. The following factors may have an impact on
system performance:
• Torch parts wear
• Air quality
• Line voltage fluctuations
• Torch standoff height
• Proper work cable connection
4T.07 Gouging
Be sure the operator is equipped with proper
gloves, clothing, eye and ear protection and
that all safety precautions at the front of this
manual have been followed. Make sure no part
of the operator’s body comes in contact with the
workpiece when the torch is activated.
Disconnect primary power to the system before
disassembling the torch, leads, or power supply.
Sparks from plasma gouging can cause damage
to coated, painted or other surfaces such as glass,
plastic, and metal.
Check torch parts. The torch parts must cor-
respond with the type of operation. Refer to
Section 4T.09, Torch Parts Selection.
Gouging Parameters
Gouging performance depends on parameters
such as torch travel speed, current level, lead angle
(the angle between the torch and workpiece), and
the distance between the torch tip and workpiece
Touching the torch tip or shield cup to the work
surface will cause excessive parts wear.
Torch Travel Speed
Refer to Appendix Pages for additional informa-
tion as related to the Power Supply used.
Optimum torch travel speed is dependent on cur-
rent setting, lead angle, and mode of operation
(hand or machine torch).
Current Setting
Current settings depend on torch travel speed,
mode of operation (hand or machine torch), and
the amount of material to be removed.
Lead Angle
The angle between the torch and workpiece de-
pends on the output current setting and torch
travel speed. The recommended lead angle is
35°. At a lead angle greater than 45° the molten
metal will not be blown out of the gouge and may
be blown back onto the torch. If the lead angle
is too small (less than 35°), less material may be
removed, requiring more passes. In some appli-
cations, such as removing welds or working with
light metal, this may be desirable.