tekmar 483 tN4 Gateway User Manual
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© 2011
D 483 - 12/11
Switch Settings
Alert on
Alert on
Alert on break / Alert on make
When using the Alert Demand (terminals 16 and 17), the
483 can either register an alert when the alert demand is
removed (Alert on break – switch setting in up position) or
it can register an alert when the alert demand is applied
(Alert on make – switch setting in down position).
Unlock / Lock
The Unlock / Lock switch allows the use of a factory default
user ID and password for the tekmarNet
gateway login
web page.
When set to Unlock (switch setting in up position), the user
ID is “installer” and the password is “tekmar”.
After logging in to the tekmarNet
gateway login web page,
create personal accounts for yourself and your customer
through the configuration page. Once the personal
accounts are completed, the Unlock / Lock switch can be
set to Lock. The default user ID and password are then
no longer accepted.
Should the personal account user ID or passwords be
forgotten, the Unlock / Lock switch can be set to Unlock
and the default user ID and password can be used to create
new personal accounts.
Once the tekmarNet
Gateway installation is complete, it is
important that the switch setting be left in the Lock position
in order to prevent unauthorized access.
Alert Demand
The Alert Demand terminals (16 and 17) provide a way
for external devices to create a Low Priority Alert and
provide an email notification. The Alert Demand and Low
Priority Alert LEDs turn on when a voltage between 20 to
125 V (ac) is applied or removed depending on the Alert
on break/Alert on make switch setting. This demand also
closes the Low Priority Alert Relay. Through the gateway
web interface, the installer can assign the Alert Demand
to provide a user defined warning message that is sent
through email.
The Alert Demand could be used to detect the low level
switch of a fuel oil tank, or monitor a low water cut off.
Note: The 483 is not a UL approved alarm panel.
Alert Demand
Low Priority Alert
Alert Relays
The 483 includes two relay contacts that indicate alerts to
3rd party monitoring equipment such as a security system,
automation system, or telephone auto dialer.
The High Priority Alert Relay closes when the following error
messages are active on the tekmarNet
System Control:
Master Device Error
E01 Adjust Error
Boiler Sensor Short Circuit Error
Boiler Sensor Open Circuit Error
Mix Sensor Short Circuit Error
Mix Sensor Open Circuit Error
Mixing Expansion Module Missing Error
Mixing Expansion Module Conflict Error
Mixing Expansion Module Sensor Short Circuit Error
Mixing Expansion Module Sensor Open Circuit Error
The Low Priority Alert Relay closes when the Alert Demand
is present or removed according to the Alert on break /
Alert on make switch setting.
The Low Priority Alert Relay also closes if there is any
error on the tekmarNet
system that is not included on
the high priority list.
Once the error is corrected, the respective Alert Relay
contact is opened.
Note: The 483 is not a UL approved alarm panel.
Low Priority Alert
High Priority Alert
483 Hardware