tekmar 483 tN4 Gateway User Manual

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© 2011

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Table of Contents

Contents ........................................................................2
Additional Requirements .............................................2
Before you Start ............................................................2
483 Hardware ................................................................3

Status LED Indicators .................................................4
Testing the Control .....................................................4
Cleaning .....................................................................4

Apple Mac OSX Computer ...........................................5

Background ................................................................5
Installation of Computer .............................................5
Mac OS X Basics .......................................................5

Installation of Web Host Software ..............................5
Configuring Mac OS X ..................................................6



4 Gateway Web Pages ..............................8

Networking Options ................................................... 13
Router Configuration for LAN ................................... 14
Router Configuration for Internet ............................. 16
Accessing the Gateway .............................................. 17
Updating the Web Host Software .............................. 19
Trademarks ................................................................. 19
Warranty ......................................................................20



4 Gateway 483

Web Host Software USB - P9307

6 foot USB cable


Wiring Brochure W483

Data Brochure D 483

Job Record J 483

User Brochure U 483


Additional Requirements

An Apple Mac computer with OS X version 10.5 Leopard,
10.6 Snow Leopard or 10.7 Lion is required. This computer
will be used as a web server to host the tekmarNet


Gateway web pages.

Web Browser

The tekmarNet


4 Gateway web pages can be viewed

from any computer that has one of the following web

Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher

Firefox version 2.0 or higher

Safari version 2.0 or higher

Compatible tekmarNet



The tekmarNet


4 Gateway 483 version J1193L is compatible

with the following products:



4 Timer 033

Setpoint Control 161*, 162**
Boiler Control 274, 275


2 Wiring Center 313, 314



4 Wiring Center 315, 316

Zone Expansion Module 324, 325, 326
Zone Manager 334, 335, 336, 337

Power Manager 345, 346


2 House Control 400, 401, 402, 403, 406

Boiler Reset Module 420
Mixing Reset Module 421
Universal Reset Module 422, 423
Mixing Expansion Module 440, 441, 444


4 User Switch 479, 480, 481



2 Thermostat 527, 528, 529, 530



4 Thermostat 537, 538, 540, 541, 542,

543***, 544, 545, 546


Thermostat 552

* 161


J1141A and J1141B are not fully compatible

with the 483

** 162 versions J1142A and J1142B are not fully compatible

with the 483

*** 543 versions J1126A to J1126I are not fully compatible

with the 483

Please contact your tekmar sales representative for
assistance with affected 161, 162, and 543 products.



products not listed may not be compatible

with this version of the 483 software. Contact your tekmar
sales representative for information.

Before connecting the tekmarNet


4 Gateway 483 to a



system, it is recommended that the system

be fully completed, with no tekmarNet


thermostats or

setpoint control’s being added or removed at a later date.
Also, each tekmarNet


thermostat and setpoint control

device is automatically assigned a tekmarNet



when connected to the system. It is recommended that

each device be given a manual address. This address
should be written down together with the room location
for future reference.

The gateway records the address of each tekmarNet


thermostat and setpoint control. For each address, the
installer can name the room location and building area for
each thermostat and setpoint control.

Before You Start