) time lapse & stop motion with oracle, Motion control - overview of the modes, Time lapse & stop motion with oracle – Kessler MOTION CONTROL: Oracle Controller Full (3.02 SL) User Manual

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Live record

Use this mode to record your motion then play it back in real time.

You can record 25+ minutes of movement in each memory bank.

Smart Lapse™

SmartLapse™ is a remarkable method of recording a non-linear path in

real time. You then play the path in any time span from the time you

it took you to make the recording up to 29.5 days. Smartlapse™ works

by pulsing the power out in .05 second bits and recording each bit

rather than streaming smooth power like in live mode. Then, when

you want to play this recording back we simply replay each pulse back

but with varying delays biased off of your over all time of playback.

Because you are only able to record 10 steps per second it is

important to move as slow as you can to create the smallest possible

“movements” per pulse to give you a very smooth play back.


This method will allow the camera to take pictures while the cart is

in motion to give more of the “film” or “video” look to your time lapse.

(Please see Shoot - Move - Shoot vs Continuous on page 39)

Shoot - Move - Shoot

This method of time-lapse shooting will interleave your

picture taking and movement. The camera first takes its

picture. Next the head or slider will then move, stop, then

the camera will take the next picture. This method will give

your time lapse more of a hyper real or stop motion look.

(please see Shoot - Move - Shoot vs Continuous on page 39)

Note: You may notice that when you go to adjust how many

pictures you want to take the number of pictures jumps in odd

increments. This is because when you created your path in

SmartLapse™ you have determined the amount of moves so the

Oracle™ will only allow an amount of pictures that can be evenly

divided into the amount of moves that you have made

with a max amount of pictures to be 2 pictures per pulse/

move. Any more than 2 pictures per will play back choppy.

EXAMPLE: if you recorded a move that took 2000 pulses the

maximum amount of pictures will be 4000 with 2000 or lower

providing the smoothest playback.

Stop motion

This method is identical to Shoot - Move - Shoot but will only

take one picture at a time. Once the first picture is taken the head

or slider will move into the next position and wait until you are

ready to take the next picture. Once you are ready simply press

enter and the cycle will start over until the complete path is finished.

No Intervalometer

This mode will simply turn off the intervalometer while the motion is


Advanced Mode

With advance mode you will be able create a cycle. Within this cycle

you will be able to control how long a motor comes on for, how long it

will stay off for, what power it will run at when it is on and how many

times this cycle will repeat. You could use this mode for something as

simple as telling a turntable to turn on for 1 hour at speed 50 then shut

off and only have one cycle. To creating an string of thousands of micro

pulses in durations of 50 milliseconds each to create a time lapse. Or even

to turn on for a calculated amount of time that will equate to 8 equal

moves of rotation and to take a picture at each position to create a 360

degree panoramic.

When in advance with Shoot - Move - Shoot, the number of

pictures will not be limited like it is when shooting shoot move shoot in

SmartLapse™ be case the amount of moves will not be predetermined.