Kessler MOTION CONTROL: elektraDRIVE Basic Controller (iOS) User Manual
Basic controller, Elektradrive basic controller guide, Available modes

elektraDrIVe BaSIC CONtrOller GuIDe
aVaIlaBle MODeS
The Basic Controller offers three user
selectable operation modes.
This mode allows you to move the
slider as long as a directional button
is pressed. Variable speed can be
adjusted “on the fly” while the car-
riage is in motion. This mode is indi-
cated by a Green LED.
This mode allows you to set up a
move and let it move without holding
down any buttons like in Momentary
Mode (press once to start and again
to stop). This mode is indicated by an
Orange LED.
This mode allows you to make ultra-
slow movements that can be used for
basic time lapses. This mode is indi-
cated by a Red LED.
The elektraDRIVE BASIC Controller is for use with the elektraDRIVE mo-
tor configurations for the Pocket Dolly or CineSlider, when the advanced
features of our ORACLE Controller are not needed. The Basic Controller
allows for linear (side to side) movement, with adjustable speed control
and has built in 0.5 second of digital dampening for starts / stops.
SettING OperatION MODe
This section outlines the procedure to
change the operating mode on the Ba-
sic Controller.
Turn the SPEED knob all the way to
the left (counter-clockwise).
Press and release both DIRECTION-
AL buttons at the same time to cycle
through the three operation modes.
The LED color indicates the current
operation mode:
Green: Momentary Mode
Orange: Continuous (Toggle) Mode
Red: Pulse Mode
MOMeNtary MODe
When the Basic Controller LED is Green,
the unit is in Momentary mode. Below
are the operation procedures for this
Set the SPEED knob to a speed that
you desire.
Press and hold one of the DIREC-
TIONAL buttons to start your move.
Once your move is complete, release
When the Basic Controller LED is Or-
ange, the unit is in Continuous mode.
Below are the operation procedures for
this mode.
Set the SPEED knob to a speed that
you desire.
Press one of the DIRECTIONAL but-
tons to start your move.
Press a DIRECTIONAL button again
to stop your move.
pulSe MODe
The CineSlider drag control can be used
to adjust resistance of the carriage mo-
Set the SPEED knob to a speed that
you desire:
Position Speed knob to 1 for:
Slow • 1 LED Flash • (Speed 1)
Use for horizontal moves with light
Position Speed knob to 3 for:
Medium • 2 LED Flashes • (Speed 2)
Use for horizontal moves with heavy
loads or vertical moves with light
loads (Turn knob to Speed 5 if cart is
not moving due to low power).
Position Speed knob to 5 for:
Fast • 3 LED Flashes • (Speed 3)
Use for most vertical moves.
Press & Release both DIRECTIONAL
buttons to confirm.
Set the Speed knob to a Delay time
that you desire. This is indicated by
a Red LED, you can adjust the Motor
Off time (Delay) from 50 milliseconds
to 2.2 seconds The Motor On time is
always a constant of 50 milliseconds
and represented by a Green LED.
Press & Release one of the DIREC-
TIONAL buttons to start your move.
Press a DIRECTIONAL button to stop
your move.
Note: If doing advanced time lapse
work, we highly recommend our OR-
ACLE controller. It will provide much
greater precision and a broad range of
useful features.
basic controller
CONNeCtING the CONtrOller
The Basic Controller offers three user
selectable operation modes.
Plug one end of the provided cat-5
network cable into the basic control-
Plug the other end of the cat-5 cable
into your elektraDrive motor attached
to your dolly/slider.
Connect the power cord to the con-
troller. The Basic Controller can be
powered by either the supplied AC
adapter or an optional 12 volt battery.
pack with 12v DC Adapter.