Kessler Pocket Jib PRO User Manual
Pocket jib / pocket jib pro reference guide, Installing on hercules head, Installing on swivel mount

Pocket Jib / Pocket Jib Pro reference Guide
installinG on Hercules Head
Like its larger siblings, the Pocket Jib
can be mounted to the optional Hercu-
les head for the greatest support.
Install the Hercules Head as usual
and move the locking pin to prevent
the Hercules Head from tilting.
Align the Pocket Jib so the side of the
jib is in line with the side of the Her-
cules Head.
Using two (2) 1/4” diameter thumb
screws, attach the Pocket Jib to
the Hercules head using the middle
thread holes.
Pocket Jib™ is the ultimate compact, portable jib. Not only is
this jib fully collapsible for easy transport, but you can also mount the
Kessler Pocket Dolly™ or CineSlider™ to it, turning it into a virtual “all-in-
one” production tool, offering both a jib and mini-dolly in one unit. The
standard Pocket Jib is recommended for cameras less than 20 pounds.
Pocket Jib PRO has been designed for a greater weight capacity
when larger cameras and rigs are being used. With its heavy duty
arms, the Pocket Jib PRO can handle up to 50 pounds in any length
installinG on swivel Mount
Exclusive to the Pocket Jib, our Swivel
Mount provides great jib support in a
compact package.
Insert the Swivel Mount into the
100mm bowl of the K-Pod (or other
heavy duty tripod rated for the weight
of the jib and camera setup).
Install the cup washer and handle
to the bottom of the Swivel Mount.
Note, mount the washer flat side up if
you do not want the head to tilt in the
bowl (recommended).
Remove the two (2) plastic knobs on
the Swivel Mount top and lower the
Pocket Jib over any two of the diago-
nal corner holes.
While supporting the jib, replace the
two (2) plastic knobs and secure.
usinG tHe ball Mount
The Pocket Jib includes a 100mm ball
mount so you can easily attach your
fluid head or Hercules head to the end
of the jib.
Loosen but do not remove the knob
holding the ball mount to the end of
the pocket jib.
Once loose enough, rotate the ball
mount around and tighten the knob
Insert your Hercules head or 100mm
fluid head (75mm with optional con-
Tighten fluid head down with cup
washer and handle as normal.
extendinG tHe weiGHt bar
The weight bar collapses for easy trans-
port. To extend it for use, follow this
Loosen the two (2) knobs holding
the telescoping weight bar in place.
There is one on each side of the jib.
Once each side is fully extended, re-
tighten the knobs making sure they
are fully seated in the recesses pro-
vided for alignment.
Loosen the two (2) back, ratchet
thumb screws to release the horizon-
tal weight bar and slide them back.
Swing each side out so they are at 90
degrees two the main jib
Slide the two weight bar halves to-
gether so the joint is in the center
of the bar and re-tighten the ratchet
thumb screws.
draG control & brake
The Pocket Jib has both drag control
and brake control.
Drag is adjusted by turning the top
knob (
A) on the Pocket Jib fulcrum
point. Turn the knob clock wise to
increase drag and counter clockwise
to decrease drag.
The brake is adjusted by turning the
bottom knob (
B) on the Pocket Jib
fulcrum point. The brake has an arc-
ing track and can be used to aid in
locking down lift angles of the jib.
NOTE: The brake is provided as an
added safety feature. It is important that
your jib setup is properly balanced be-
fore use. Do not use the brake to com-
pensate for an unbalanced configura-
telescoPinG tHe Pocket Jib
The Pocket Jib extends from 5 feet to
8 feet with two lock increments in be-
Loosen but do not remove the two (2)
knobs on the main arms and one (1)
knob on the tilt arm of the Pocket Jib.
NOTE: On the Pocket Jib Pro, there
are two tilt arms. Loosen the knob on
each tilt arm to adjust length.
Make sure the knobs are loose
enough that they are no longer
seated in the recessed locking hole
of the jib.
Extend the jib to the desired length
choosing any of the four lock
Align the knobs with the recessed
locking points. The tilt arm knob may
require tilting the head of the Pocket
jib in order to re-align with the lock
Secure the two (2) knobs on the
main arms and one (1) knob (2 on
the Pocket Jib Pro) on the tilt arm(s).
Make sure the knobs are fully seated
in their respective recessed locking
MountinG a slider
The Pocket Jib is designed for mounting
a Pocket Dolly or Cineslider to the top.
This creates an all-in-one production
Locate the pre-installed Dolly/Slider
mounting brackets and 4 stainless
steel screws.
Remove the two (2) round top stain-
less steel screws. One from each
side. Leave the flat, countersunk
screws in place.
Place the dolly/slider on top of the
Pocket Jib and align the mounting
holes on each end. Re-insert the two
(2) round top stainless steel screws
and tighten securely.