Kessler Crane: KC-8 User Manual

Introduction safety procedure, Page 1

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First and foremost we would like to thank you for your purchase of a Kessler Crane. We are

confident that you will find the design and quality of materials to meet or exceed your expec-

tations. We have dedicated much time and consideration into each of our products to ensure

durability, stability, and ease of use. We extend a Lifetime Warranty so that you will share the

confidence in our products, knowing that you have a company that will always stand behind

its products.

Please take some time to read this manual in its entirety. This will ensure proper assembly

and operation of your crane. Please pay special attention to the safety tips section of this

guide. You will experience solid functionality with our cranes but you must adhere to the

safety recommendations to ensure a safe environment to the operator and others in the area.

By using a Kessler Crane you will be able to achieve an elevated level of quality that will be

evident to your existing clients as well as new ones. Enjoy your new Kessler Crane!

1) Before using your Kessler Crane in the field, practice assembly and operation of the unit in a con-

trolled environment such as your studio or warehouse. Please be sure that all those who will be using

and operating the crane are present and understand how to use it safely.

2) It is a must to use either a floor spreader or midlevel spreader with the tripod when using a Kessler

Crane. Using a spreader will strengthen the tripod and increase the level of safety while the crane is in


3) Always be sure to rest the camera end of the crane on the ground or other stable surface when

adding or removing the counter weights. When assembling the crane mount the camera first, then add

the counter weights. When disassembling the crane, remove the counter weights first then remove the


4) If you are using the optional vertical brake, be sure to never remove any weight from either end of the

crane with the brake in a locked configuration.

5) If using the crane support tripod with the legs extended, be sure that the legs can be locked securely

to disallow slippage and that the entire system is still balanced and stable.

6) If using the KC-5.5 with a tripod in this extended configuration, the crane will be too short to reach the

ground. Use an elevated surface to rest the camera end of the crane on while setting up and breaking

down the crane. This will prevent the crane from possibly tipping over.

7) Please be sure to keep cables and fingers clear of any of the pinch points of the crane.

8) Attempting to move the tripod with the crane and counter weights attached is dangerous unless you

are using a dolly. If you are using a dolly, be sure to have the tripod in its lowest configuration as well as

using a second operator for added safety. If you must move the tripod without a dolly, take the time to

remove the counter weights and camera first.


Never operate the crane over people.


Perform an inspection of the crane before each use. Examination should include areas such as

cable frays (when support cables are in effect); welds for any kind of cracks or fatigue; bolts for proper

tightening; support rails for stress; collars should be tight and secure; overall integrity.

11) Never exceed 75lbs of total counter balance weight, or 45lbs on either side of the frame.


Safety Procedure

Page 1
