Range test your radio, Flying your model – E-flite Twist 3D 480 ARF User Manual

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E-flite Twist 3D 480 ARF Assembly Manual

Range Test your Radio

Before each flying session, and especially with a new

model, it is important to perform a range check. It

is helpful to have another person available to assist

during the range check. If you are using a Spektrum

transmitter, please refer to your transmitter’s manual for

detailed instructions on the range check process.

1. With the model resting on the ground, stand 30

paces (approximately 90 feet) away from the model.

2. Face the model with the transmitter in your

normal flying position. Be sure the throttle is in the

full down position and plug the flight battery into

the speed control.

3. As you move the controls, watch to be sure the

airplane’s motor and controls operate smoothly.

You should have total control of the model at 30

paces (90 feet).

4. If control issues exist, call the appropriate

Horizon Product Support office (see addresses

listed in the Warranty Services section of this

manual) or go to to find a local

Spektrum distributor in your country for service

when using a Spektrum radio system.

Flying your Model

The Twist 3D 480 shares many of the same flying

qualities of its larger brethren; however, due to its

small size, very low weight and light wing loading, it

is a very capable 3D performer that can be unleashed

practically anywhere!
Before arriving to the field, verify that the airplane

balances within the range specified here in the

manual, as well as control throws and direction have

been set. Once you have arrived to the field, install

your battery and reconfirm that everything is still

in good order. Taxi out to the runway and line up

with the centerline, facing into the wind. You’ll find

that even though the landing gear is a conventional

arrangement, due to the long tail moment, taxiing

is very easy. Once aligned with the runway, set the

throttle trim that the propeller is spinning at a very

low RPM; this will be your flight idle and will be very

important during 3D flight. Smoothly increase the

throttle and use small rudder corrections to keep the

airplane tracking straight down the runway. It will

lift off very quickly due to the low wing loading and

high power. Climb to a comfortable altitude and trim

the airplane to fly hands off at around half throttle.

Limit your use of higher throttle for maneuvering. Due

to the large control surface area, flutter is possible

at higher airspeeds, and this can lead to a crash if

you’re not careful.
You’ll find that the airplane is quite capable of a full

battery of 3D maneuvers; torque rolls, harrier rolls,

waterfalls, you name it and the Twist 3D 480 will

deliver with gusto. After your initial flights, you can

adjust the CG to suite your flying style. You’ll find that

this little dynamo’s flight envelope is limited only by

your imagination!

You’ll want to setup for landing before your battery

gets too low (although the airplane is very easy to fly

dead stick!). Begin by entering the pattern downwind

at about half throttle. Once abeam of your touchdown

point, slowly reduce power and allow the airplane to

descend. You need not fly a base and final leg, simply

make a descending 180-degree pattern to line up with

the runway. Remember to use the throttle to control

altitude and elevator to control airspeed. Once you

have the runway made, slowly come off the throttle

completely and allow the airplane to settle in for a

nice, three point landing. Rollout will be short, because

you won’t be moving very quickly at touchdown.
Congratulations! You have just flown your Twist 3D

480 ARF! We hope you enjoy this model as much as

we do. Now what are you waiting for? Get back out

there and do it again!