Appendix a: glossary – Banner A-GAGE MINI-ARRAY Series User Manual
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Banner Engineering Corp., 9714 Tenth Ave. No., Minneapolis, MN 55441 • Phone: 888.373.6767 • • E-mail: [email protected]
WARRANTY: Banner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects for one year. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or
replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture found to be defective at the time it is returned to the factory during the warranty
period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for the improper application of Banner products. This warranty is in lieu of any
other warranty either expressed or implied.
Appendix A: Glossary
Blanked Beam: A beam that is “ignored” by the receiver, as the result of a blanking program being applied to it. Beams (or groups
of beams) are blanked when a component or fixture will remain in or move through the light screen array; blanking the affected
beams prevents the component or fixture from causing false outputs.
Blocked Beam: A beam that is obstructed between the emitter and the receiver, and is not blanked.
Clear Beam: A beam that runs unobstructed from the emitter to the receiver (same as a made or unblocked beam).
Excess Gain: A measurement of the amount of light falling on the receiver from the emitter over and above the minimum amount
required for operation. A-GAGE MINI-ARRAY emitters and receivers automatically perform an Alignment procedure to equalize the
amount of excess gain at each element along the array.
Host: A DeviceNet application that controls and receives input from the MINI-ARRAY System.
Made Beam: A beam that runs unobstructed from the emitter to the receiver (same as an unblocked or clear beam).
Unblocked Beam: A beam that runs unobstructed from the emitter to the receiver (same as a made or clear beam).