Rs422 protocol, Rs422 cable, Rs422 user commands and their meanings – Banner L-GAGE LT7 Series User Manual

Page 14: L-gage® lt7 long-range time-of-flight sensor

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L-GAGE® LT7 Long-Range Time-of-Flight Sensor

Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A • Tel: 763.544.3164


P/N 120244 Rev. B

RS422 Protocol

All commands via the RS422 serial interface have the following structure:
The sensor answers all commands as follows:
= the command was not recognized or the data is outside

the limit values.

= the command was recognized and executed; the command

requires no return data.

= the command was recognized and the requested data has

been sent.

RS422 Cable

The RS422 interface is defined as a reliable, serial interface in full duplex mode, with

transfer rates up to 10 MBaud; max. cable length 1,000 m (4,000'). The shielded cable is

connected to the sensor connector and the ground terminal of the control cabinet.

RS422 User Commands and Their Meanings


Data to LT7*

Data from LT7



All parameters in text format:

Get All Parameters
All sensor parameters are displayed:

LT7 $Revision x.xx$

• Sensor software revision (number)

Pilot laser status

• Pilot laser status (ON/OFF/xx seconds ON)

Serial settings

• Serial settings (see page 13)

Discrete Output Q1 settings

• Discrete output condition

ON: Output high

OFF: Output low

Output mode (see IM1, IM2)

Limit 1 setting (see IL1, IL2)

Limit 2 setting (see IL4, IL5)

Hysteresis (see IH1, IH2)

Invert status (ON/OFF; see IN1, IN2)

Discrete Output Q2 settings

Analog Output QA settings

• Analog output condition (Diffuse sensors only)

Value (0 to 4095)

Limit 1 setting (see IL3)

Limit 2 setting (see IL6)

Invert status (ON/OFF; see INA)

Output status

• Output unit of measure (mm or hundredth inch “10MIL”)

Offset status

• Offset setting (in mm or hundredth inch)

Password setting

• Password (enabled/disabled)

Error status

• Error status (see GSI)



Execute Continuous Measurement

Set and triggered by the next request for measured values


Energy value — 0 to -120dB

Gain Level

Indicates the amount of receiving energy



Get Serial Number

Emitted as ASCII text (max. 24 characters)


STX: start transmission (hex 02 or CTRL B)

EOT: end of text (hex 04 or CTRL D)

NAK: no acknowledgement (hex 15 or CTRL U)

ACK: acknowledge (hex 06 or CTRL F)

Command: 3-digit command (ASCII text)

[Data]: whole numbers (ASCII text)

In ASCII text (command + data), spaces and
capitals/small letters are ignored.