Serial communications – Banner L-GAGE LT7 Series User Manual

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P/N 120244 Rev. B


Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A • Tel: 763.544.3164

L-GAGE® LT7 Long-Range Time-of-Flight Sensor

Serial Communications

Factory delivery status settings are underlined below.

Serial Select (RS422/SSI)

With Serial Select it is possible to select the interface from RS422-compatible,

SSI1/10-compatible, or SSI1/8-compatible connections.

RS422-/ or SSI-Compatible

Depending on the setting made in Serial Select, the appropriate interface parameters are

displayed or altered. The following settings are possible:

Baud rate: 4.8 or 9.6 or 19.2 or 38.4 or 57.6 kBaud
Data bit: 8 or 7
Stop bit: 1 or 2
REPEAT or SINGLE: REPEAT: the sensor continuously sends measured data via the

serial interface without waiting for a request.

SINGLE mode: a string of measured data is supplied only on request.

Parity: even (but not shown on LCD menu)

SSI: 1/10 = LSB = 0.1 mm (10MIL) or 1/8 = LSB = 0.125 mm (8MIL)
6 possible codes:







Serial Response Speed

The distance measurement inside the sensor is recalculated every 12 ms. It is not a

moving average, but rather a new average is calculated for the previous 12 ms of data.

With the SSI output, the data can be read every 1.4 ms (likely the “same” reading for 8 or

9 readings, then a change). For most accurate target location prediction, sample at the 1.4

ms read rate of the SSI and see “when” the change happens. Worst case, that data will be

for the average target location over the previous 12 ms, plus 1.4 ms delay (i.e., the 12 ms

average was changed just after the previous read started).