1 introduction, 1 instrument description, Introduction – Metrohm 830 IC Interface User Manual

Page 7: Instrument description, Fig. 1, Connection possibilities at 830 ic interface

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1.1 Instrument description

1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument


The 830 IC Interface provides the connection between the PC and ex-

ternal IC or HPLC peripheral instruments. Up to 16 instruments includ-

ing 4 detectors can be connected to the 830 IC Interface and controlled

by means of the «IC Net» PC software. The 830 IC Interface can also

record and convert the analog signals from a maximum of 4 channels

(two at once) which are processed at very high resolution.
Fig. 1 shows an overview of all the Metrohm instruments which can be

connected to the 830 IC Interface and are described in these ‘Instruc-

tions for Use’. It is also possible to connect Bischoff instruments;

please refer to the «IC Net» on-line program help as well as the relevant

Bischoff instruction manuals.

830 IC Interface

819 IC Detector

820 IC Separation Center

818 IC Pump

833 IC Liquid Handling Unit

812 IC Valve Unit

816 IC Eluent Selector

817 Bioscan

761 Compact IC

791 IC VA Detector

766/788 IC Sample Processor

828 IC Dual Suppressor

837 IC Inline Degasser

Triathlon Autosampler

Fig. 1:

Connection possibilities at 830 IC Interface

830 IC Interface / 8.830.1003 Instructions for Use