1 introduction, 1 instrument description, Instrument description – Metrohm 896 Professional Detector – Amperometry User Manual

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1 Introduction

2.896.0020 896 Professional Detector – Amperometry



1 Introduction


Instrument description

The 896 Professional Detector – Amperometry is an intelligent
Stand-Alone Detector equipped with an amperometric detector.

As a stand-alone detector, it can for example be combined with instru-
ments of the 850 Professional IC family for which all available detector
connectors have already been assigned to conductivity detectors (AnCat
systems or other multi-channel systems) and be used for the determina-
tion of electroactive substances in the mobile phase.

It is also possible to implement applications with the 896 Professional
Detector – Amperometry that require amperometric detection, even with
the instruments of the Compact IC family (881 and 882) and with the 883
Basic IC plus, which possess only one detector connector which would
normally be occupied by a conductivity detector.

The 896 Professional Detector – Amperometry is a stand-alone detector
that combines the advantages of the 850 IC Amperometric Detector with
the combination opportunities of the 850 Professional IC instruments. It is
directly controlled by the MagIC Net™ software.

872 Extension Modules, 891 Analog Out and 800 Dosinos, Remote Boxes,
etc. can all be operated through the 896 Professional Detector – Amper-
ometry. This opens up the flexibility of Metrohm IC systems considerably.

The instrument is comprised of the following modules:

Amperometric detector
With the 896 Professional Detector – Amperometry, electroactive substan-
ces can be determined in the mobile phase of an IC system. Amperometric
methods are used for the determination, which combine an outstanding
sensitivity with a high degree of selectivity. The installed potentiostat gen-
erates the voltages for the direct current amperometry (DC), for the pulse
amperometry (PAD) and the flexible integrated pulse amperometry (flexI-
PAD) as well as for the recording of cyclovoltammograms. The installed
preheating capillary ensures a constant eluent temperature on the cell.