Rockwell Automation RSView32 Runtime Users Guide User Manual

Page 69

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RSView32 Runtime User’s Guide

display from which the command
is executed).


Specifies the amount of time to wait before starting
to print, where tttt is the time in milliseconds. If you
use the /U parameter, specify enough time to allow
for the upload of tag values. If you do not specify a
time, the default is 2000 milliseconds.


Initiates an update of tag values in all input fields
before starting to print. This parameter is not
necessary with input fields that are updated


Specifies the name of a parameter file that contains
tag names to be substituted for placeholders in the


Specifies one or more tag names to be substituted
for placeholders in the display. Separate multiple
tag names with commas; do not use spaces.

If the specified display is not currently visible, RSView32 prints the
display without making it visible. If this command is issued without
specifying a display, and no display has focus, RSView32 logs an
error to the activity log.

PrintDisplay prints the entire runtime display, even if parts are
covered by other displays. However, PrintDisplay does not
necessarily print ActiveX or OLE objects in their runtime state.

The ScreenPrint command prints an image of whatever shows on
the monitor. Use ScreenPrint to ensure that the display is printed
showing all objects in their current, runtime state (provided they are
not covered by other displays).

If you issue the PrintDisplay command when RSView32 is in Edit
mode, RSView32 sends the last-saved version of the display file to
the printer. Any changes you make after saving the display are not