Rockwell Automation RSView32 Runtime Users Guide User Manual

Page 14

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RSView32 Runtime User’s Guide

Using borrowed activations
RSView32 supports borrowed activations for development computers.
A borrowed activation is retrieved from a pool of available activations
on the activation server, and expires after a specified length of time.
Once a borrowed activation is checked out to a particular computer,
the computer can disconnect from the network. When the time limit
expires, the associated software on the computer is no longer activated,
and the activation automatically becomes available again from the
server’s activation pool. A borrowed activation can also be returned to
the activation server manually before the time limit expires.

To borrow activations from a server:


Connect your computer to the network where the activation server
is located.


Run the FactoryTalk Activation Manager and then click the
Manager Activations tab.


Click the Manage Activations tab, and then click Borrow
Activations tab.To borrow a single activation, click the checkbox
that corresponds to the activation you want to borrow, and then
click Set Borrow Term. To borrow more than one activation, click
additional checkboxes for the activations you want to borrow and
then click Borrow. If you do not see the activations you want to
borrow, click I Don’t See My Activation Here. The Activations
in gray may not be selected as they are already borrowed by your


In the Set Borrow Term window, set the time of the return by
entering a calendar date, net number of days, or approximate hours
(shift). The default Calendar date is the maximum borrow term for
the activation or group of activations.

To return a borrowed activation before it expires:


Connect to the network and run the FactoryTalk Activation


On the Manage Activations tab, click Return Activations, select
the borrowed activations you want to return.


Click the Return Activations button.