Trusted, Communication interface t8151b, Multicast – Rockwell Automation T8xxx Trusted Communications Interface User Manual

Page 19: Serial ports

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Communication Interface T8151B

Issue 21 Apr 10



3.3.3. Multicast

For Enhanced Peer to Peer multicast operation from release 3.5, the Multicast operation section must
be configured. This is only necessary if using enhanced peer (using dxpnc40 control definitions) and
data must be sent to more than one peer system with one message.

Click on ‘Configure Multicast’ to open the parameter window.

Figure 3 Multicast Configuration

In the window above, multicast data can be configured to be sent either from port TCP/IP 0 or TCP/IP
1 to other peers. The Maximum Hops determines the number of routers that the messages will go
through before being blocked.

For each of the two Ethernet ports, configure the addresses that will be monitored for multicast
messages from other peers. One address will be sufficient to allow 64 different multicast messages to
be configured using different settings of DATA_ID. Enter an address in each port for dual redundant

A Multicast peer address must be in the range to for a local site. This
range prevents the messages from being forwarded outside the immediate network.

3.3.4. Serial Ports

The four serial ports may each be configured for baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits and line type.
(The front panel serial port is essentially ‘port 0’ and cannot be configured).

Note that the normal pattern uses two bits after each data byte. This is either odd/even parity and one
stop bit, or no parity and two stop bits.

RS232 is only available on serial ports 1 and 2. The setting for this mode is ‘rs232’.

rs485fd configures a four wire point-to-point connection.

rs485hdmux configures a two wire multidropped connection. rs485 performs the same function.

rs485fdmux configures a four wire multidropped connection.