Rockwell Automation 2711-K9A10_K9C10_T9A10_T9C10 DeviceNet Communications User Guide User Manual
Page 37

Publication 2711-6.0.4
DeviceNet Manager
Personal computer running DeviceNet Manager software (Catalog No.
1787-MGR). This software configures DeviceNet nodes using explicit
messages. Also see RSNetworx.
Acronym for the Electronic Data Sheet. A specially formatted ASCII file
that provides information about a device’s configuration data context,
content, and format. The information in an EDS allows configuration tools
to provide information screens that guide a user through the steps necessary
to configure a device.
Explicit (Client or Server) Messages
Provide multi-purpose, point-to-point communication paths between 2
devices. They provide the typical request/response-oriented network
communications to perform node configuration and problem diagnosis.
Explicit messages typically use low priority identifiers and contain the
specific meaning of the message right in the data field. This includes the
service to be performed and the specific object attribute address. They do
not need to be active all the time.
An actual object such as a counter. The terms Object Instance, Object, and
Instance all refer to an actual object and are often interchangeable. See also:
Assembly Object and Object
I/O Slave Messages
I/O messages are time critical, control oriented data. They provide a
dedicated, special purpose communication path between a producing
application and one or more consuming applications. They are exchanged
across single or multi-cast connections and typically use high priority
identifiers. Unlike explicit messages, I/O messages contain only data, they
do not contain any protocol in the 8-byte field.
Node Address
A unique number that identifies a device on a DeviceNet network.
Each object has a defined behavior and data structure. Different objects
respond differently to the same event. See Instance.
Messaging that involves an output message from the master to the slave.
The slave responds with an input message. These messages can be of any
reasonable length, including zero.
Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set
A simplified network scheme in which controllers (PLCs/SLCs) and
computers are usually masters and the PanelView terminal is the slave. It is
possible for a node to simultaneously be both master and slave (for example,
the DeviceNet Scanner 17xx-SDN). The Predefined Master/Slave
Connection Set includes three types of I/O connections: Poll, Strobe and