Configuring the dl20 serial port – Rockwell Automation 2706-NP3 DL20 OFFLINE PROGRAMMING MANUAL User Manual

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Configuration Functions

Chapter 4


5. Specify the parity for the serial port of the DL20. The options are None,

Odd, or Even. The default is None or No Parity.

The examples below show the correct settings for each option.




Set Parity to N.

Set Parity to Y. Set Odd Parity to N. Even Parity is set to Y.

Set Parity to Y. Odd Parity is set to Y. Even Parity is set to N.

6. Set the RS-422 port direction. The default is RS-422 output. Press

[Enter] to accept the default. Type Y and press [Enter] to use the
RS-422 port as an input port.

7. Specify whether to print a blank line between messages. The default is N.

Press [Enter] to accept the default. Type Y and [Enter] to print blank
lines between messages.

8. Press [End] to save the DL20 serial port settings to the IOFILE.DAT file.

and return to the Main Menu.

Press [Esc] to quit and return to the Main Menu without saving changes.

For more information on the serial port settings of the DL20, refer to the
DL20 User Manual.

Configuring the
DL20 Serial Port