Rockwell Automation 1772-AF1,D17726.5.1 User Manual MINI-PLC-2/15 User Manual
Page 14
Chapter 3
The done bit is rest at the start of an AF1 function and set upon completion.
The error bit is a general error flag that indicates overflow and invalid operand
or result errors. Individual functions determine the actual state of this bit.
Throughout this manual, unused status bits are shown blank for the following
Whether the content of an unused status bit in an input word is 0 or 1 is
irrelevant as such bits are ignored in AF1 function execution.
The AF1 reset unused status bits in result words. For simplicity these bits are
left blank.
The accuracy of all function results on the Af1 is typically +1 in the least
significant digit.
AF1 Addition Function
An AF1 addition function operates on two 6-digit BCD numbers and presents
the result in a third 6-digit BCD number
(+XXX XXX.) + (+XXX XXX.) = +XXX XXX.
How to Enter an AF1 Addition Function
To program an AF1 addition function, perform the following steps:
Press [SHIFT][EAF] or [SHIFT][SCT] on the keyboard of your industrial
terminal. Figure 3.1 appears on the CRT.
Figure 3.1
Execute Auxiliary Function Format
Execute Aux
Function Number:
Data Addr:
Result Addr:
Numbers shown are default values and must be replaced
by your values. The number of default address digits
originally displayed, 3 or 4, depends on the size of the
data table.