Vicor FlatPAC-EN MI EN Compliant Autoranging Switchers User Manual

Page 15

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This command turns all modules off. If either a Power Up or Power Down sequence is active at the time, it will be
terminated immediately. A response of "OK" is returned.

TON1, TON2, TON3, TON4 - Turn On commands for modules 1, 2, 3, or 4.
These commands turn on the module identified by the trailing digit. If an automatic sequence is in effect at the
time this command is received, a reply of "Inv Command" is returned; otherwise "OK" is returned.

TOFF1, TOFF2, TOFF3, TOFF4 - Turn Off commands for modules 1, 2, 3, or 4.
These commands turn off the module identified by the trailing digit. If an automatic sequence is in effect at the
time this command is received, a reply of "Inv Command" is returned; otherwise "OK" is returned.

SDON1, SDON2, SDON3, SDON4 - Set Delay On Time for modules 1, 2, 3 or 4.
These commands set the associated time delays for the DC-DC converters to be activated via "PC" pin release.
There is an additional delay of up to 7ms inherent in the DC-DC converters. These commands are entered with a
trailing argument. The valid range of the argument is from 1 to 255 and is in 10 millisecond increments. The effec-
tive range of delay then becomes 10 to 2550 milliseconds or 0.01 to 2.55 seconds. Out of range arguments are
replied to with an "Inv Range" message; otherwise "OK" is returned. The delay times are effective and run concur-
rent from either power up of the unit or from receipt of the Power Up command. If these commands are entered
without an argument then the unit will report the present settings of these variables.

SDOFF1, SDOFF2, SDOFF3, SDOFF4 - Set Delay Off Time for modules 1, 2, 3, or 4.
These commands set the associated time delays for the DC-DC converters to be deactivated via "PC"pin release.
These commands are entered with a trailing argument. The valid range of the argument is from 1 to 255 and is in
10 millisecond increments. The effective range of delay then becomes 10 to 2550 milliseconds or 0.01 to 2.55 sec-
onds. Out of range arguments are replied to with an "Inv Range" message; otherwise "OK" is returned. The delay
times are effective and run concurrent from either receipt of the Power Down command or from an error condition
with the unit. If these commands are entered without an argument then the unit will report the present settings of
these variables.

BV - Bus Voltage Readback
This command returns the current Bus Voltage reading.

MS - Module Status
This command returns the module status as shown: MS=X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
X1 indicates the status of module output 1.
X2 indicates the status of module output 2.
X3 indicates the status of module output 3.
X4 indicates the status of module output 4.
A "1" indicates the output is up/on and ok and a "0" indicates the output is down/off.
X5 indicates the status of the power supply Bus. A "1" indicates BUS OK and a "0" indicates BUS NOT OK.

SN - Serial Number
This command returns the serial number as set by factory (available only on request.)

REON - Remote Mode ON
This command put the power supply into the slave mode. In this mode the power supply will only respond when

REOFF - Remote Mode OFF
This command put the power supply into the manual mode. In this mode the power supply will only respond to the
following commands via the RS-232 interface: REON, SN, SDON1, SDON2, SDON3, SDON4, BV, MS, HST.

HST - Heat Sink Temperature
This command returns Temperature of the Heat Sink in degrees Celsius. Heat Sink Temperature is measured fre-
quently and stored into EEPROM memory. Upon loss of power last measured value in stored in EEPROM.

03-000050 rev A

Vicor 800-735-6200 Westcor Division 408-522-5280 Applications Engineering 800-927-9474 Pg. 15

FlatPAC-EN/EN MI Design Guide

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