Trim-Tex Miter Marker User Manual
Trim-tex miter markers

Trim-Tex now has 3 Miter Marking Tools. All the tools can be used for marking 90º and 135º off
angle corners. The 350 Miter Marker (#0922) works with all 350 Bull products. The ¾" R. Miter
Marker (#0932) works with ¾" R. Bullnose Corners, Bullnose Super & Giant L Beads & Bullnose Fast
Caps. The Chamfer Marker (#0943) works with Chamfer Bead and Chamfer Stop. The directions for all
three are listed below as all products function identically.
Everyone measures marks & cuts differently so you may need to practice on a few
pieces first.
All Miter Markers come with alignment edges
that are marked with an arrow to allow you to mark the bead to fit any opening. To properly use the Miter
Marker you will need a sharp pencil and tin snips. You will also need a small T square for Bullnose L
Beads & Fast Caps.
Trim-Tex Miter Markers
Pencil Mark
Pencil Mark
U.S. Patent # D 412,673
# 0922
350 Miter Marker
# 0932 3/4" R. Miter Marker
# 0943
Chamfer Marker
3700 W. Pratt Ave. Lincolnwood, IL 60712-2508 Phone: (847) 679-3000 Fax: (847) 679-3017
Usage Instructions:
Place the Miter Marker on the bead as shown in
. First measure the opening inside corner to inside corner as shown in
. Mark
on the piece. The 1st mark should be at least 1" away from the edge to leave enough bead to be cut off. See
To mark for a 90º corner, use the outside edges of the Miter Marker. Slide the tool along the piece until the alignment edge, marked with an arrow, lines
up with the pencil mark. Now mark the bead with a pencil. See
. For a 135º off angle corner use the inside openings of the tool. Slide the tool
along the bead until the inner alignment edge lines up with your pencil mark. Mark the bead with your pencil. See
. The 350 Miter Marker also
includes the option for a straight cut in the middle opening. Snip to the marks you have made and snip back the legs as shown in
Do not
completely cut away the pencil line or the parts may come be too short. Install the bead with staples and/or Trim-Tex 847 Spray Adhesive. See can for
detailed installation instructions. Ideally you should have a / " gap that will need to be caulked with a paintable acrylic caulk. This will allow some wall
settling without causing hairline cracks in the compound.
1 16
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4A
Figure 4B
Figure 5
Pencil Mark
Bullnose L Bead & Fast Cap Usage Instructions:
Place the Miter Marker on the bead as shown in
First measure the opening inside corner to inside corner as shown in
. Mark
on the piece using a T square. See
. The 1st mark should be at least 1" away from the edge to leave enough bead to be cut off.
This is a temporary mark that will not be used for cutting.
To mark for a 90º corner use the outside edges of the Miter Marker. Slide the tool along the piece until the alignment edge, marked with an arrow, lines
up with the temporary pencil mark. Now mark the radius with a pencil. See
. For a 135º off angle corner use the inside openings of the tool. Slide
the tool along the bead until the inner alignment edge lines up with your temporary pencil mark. Mark the radius with your pencil. See
. Place
your T square on the bead and line it up with the marks you made with the Miter Marker as shown in
. Now make a mark with a pencil for the line
you will cut to. As shown in
, the temporary marks are shown in red, and you will cut to the green marks. Snip to the green marks and snip back the
legs as shown in
. Do not completely cut away the pencil line or the parts may be too short. When you dry fit the bead, the bead may seem a little
loose. The fit will become tighter once you install the bead with a Liquid Nail backing. See Bullnose Fast Cap or Bullnose L Bead Installation Instructions
for further details. Ideally you should have a / " gap that will need to be caulked. This will allow some wall settling without causing hairline cracks in the
compound. Use Trim-Tex 700/710 Adhesive Caulk.
1 16
Figure 1.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4A
Figure 4B
Figure 5
Figure 5
Figure 6