Skyjacker 7218 User Manual

Seat belts save lives. please wear your seat belt

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1998 - '01 Dodge
Dual Stabilizer Kit
Installation Instructions
Kit# 7218

* Some 3/4 and 1 Ton models come equipped with a Military front axle. These models

carry a 3 3/4” axle tube. This stering stabilizer will not fit those applications.

1. Place wheels in straightforward position.

2. Place boots over stabilizers, secure around body, and tighten with boot ties.

3. Place axle bracket under the axle as shown and install U-bolts using hardware

supplied and torque to 24 ft. lbs.

4. Attach 2 P-932 straight studs to axle bracket (see photo 1) and mount one end of

stabilizers to each stud and tighten.

5. Pull out steering stabilizers 4 3/4", (exactly halfway). The center eye to center eye

length will be 19" when stabilizers are 1/2 way out.

6. Mount tie rod end brackets. When mounted both tie rod brackets extrude forward

and to the passenger side (see photo 2) NOTE: use wider U-bolts on driver’s side.

Torque all these U-bolts to 15 ft. lbs.

7. Attach a P-932 straight stud to each tie rod bracket

8. Turn wheels fully to the left & right to make sure the stabilizers are adjusted properly

(see Step #5) and that brackets are secure.

9. Re-torque U-bolts after the 1st 100 miles and periodically thereafter.

C o n t e n t s :

2 - 7 0 0 0 W S

1 - L a r g e A x l e B r a c k e t

2 - Ti e R o d E n d B r a c k e t s

4 - P - 9 3 2 St r a i g h t St u d s

2 - A x l e B r a c k e t U - B o l t s w / N u t s & Wa s h e r s

2 - 5 / 1 6 " x 1 1 / 4 " x 1 3 / 1 6 " U - B o l t s – P a s s e n g e r S i d e

2 - 5 / 1 6 " x 1 3 / 4 " x 2 5 / 8 " U - B o l t s – D r i v e r s S i d e

2 - B o o t s & B o o t Ti e s

I - 7 2 1 8 4 / 0 3




Both brackets mount in the same

direction. (see step 6 above)

This Kit will not work on Heavy-Duty 3/4 and 1 Ton models equipped with a 3 3/4" diameter axle tube. Contact
Skyjacker for Part# for those models.

I-7218 REV1 3-11