Skyjacker DS530 User Manual
Seat belts save lives, please wear your seat belt

1984 - 1985 Toyota 4WD
Rear Dual Shock Kit
Installation Instructions
Part # DS530
1. Park the vehicle on flat level ground, set the emergency brake, & block the front tires / wheels.
2. Raise the rear of the vehicle & place jack stands under the rear frame rails. Remove the rear tires
/ wheels & shocks.
3. Drill a 5/8” hole in the frame rail 3” from the OEM upper shock mount. (3” forward on the drive
side & 3” rearward on the passenger side. Be sure to drill parallel to the OEM mount.
4. Install the 5/8” x 5 1/2” bolt through the hole toward the center of the vehicle. Place the spacer
then a washer onto the bolt.
5. Remove the OEM u-bolt plate located below the rear axle. Install the new lower mount / spring
plate with the shock studs facing toward the center of the vehicle. Torque the u-bolts to 90 Ft.
Lbs. & install both shocks.
6. Repeat the above steps on the opposite side.
7. Once all shocks are installed, check all components for proper clearance. Retorque all hardware
after the first 100 miles & periodically there after.
Seat Belts Save Lives, Please Wear Your Seat Belt.
I-DS530 REV1 3-11
Pg 1
New Shock Stud
Factory Shock Stud
New Spring plate with
lower shock studs.
Driver Side